Friday, March 8, 2013

What's In Your Diaper Bag?

Along with motherhood comes exchanging your make up bag/vanity kit for a diaper bag. It's an essential part of your "baby bag" so it's important to have your complete kit ready for those spontaenous days when you just feel like taking your baby out for a stroll.

A diaper bag need not to be so bulky and overloaded with diapers, rash creams, and other products. You also need not buy a special diaper bag or expensive changing kits. As long as you've got the basics covered, a tiny bag or purse will suffice. And come on, who would want to lug around huge bags while going about town with your little one?

No. HECK NO. I will not be caught dead carrying these.

Here are some of the basics you'll need to have in your kit:

Cradle Toy and Nipple Cleanser Spray.
To sanitize your changing pad and the changing station and to keep those ickies and yuckies away from your little one.

mustela bebe
Mustela Cleansing and Soothing Baby Wipes.
I prefer to wash baby's bum- it's easy, quick, and prevents chaffing caused by rubbing. I love these gentle cleansing wipes from Mustela. It's gentle enough for baby's skin.
I prefer to use wipes when we are out as public restrooms can be quite unsanitary and it would be too arduous to wash him on the sink. Also, who knows what microorganisms might be living in those public sinks.

A couple of changes of disposable diapers.
I know some moms may raise an eyebrow to using disposable diapers, but
would you really lug around a soiled diaper while you're out?
These diapers are made from 100% recyclable materials. 
100% all natural diaper cream
Cycles Sensitive Diaper Rash Cream.
For those days when baby's bum gets so hypersensitive and needs a little TLC.

A changing pad that easily folds into a bag, with compartments for diapers,
and other products.

what to put in your complete diaper changing kit
My complete diaper bag/kit.

How about you moms, what's in your diaper bag?

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